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the next generation people intelligence platform

Great People Inside is an international brand and the author of state of the art solutions that are fully customizable. We don’t believe in clients adapting to systems, but in systems adapting to clients. The library provides 129 dimensions in total allowing you to build your own assessment to achieve organizational objectives.


imagine great people

Profiles International is a global American brand existing in over 122 countries. Profiles offers a wide range of assessment solutions to address your company’s most pressing concerns including hiring, selection, leadership development, succession planning, 360-degree feedback and more. With presence in the Middle East and North African Regions since 1999, Profiles is considered a pioneer in the industry with validation and reliability studies in over 80 countries including the Arab World.


game changing for business, life changing for people

Genos Emotional Intelligence measures a set of skills that help us identify and respond to emotions within ourselves and others. These skills are as important as your intellect (IQ) in determining success in work and in life. Everyone, no matter what job function, has interactions with other people. Your ability to understand your emotions, to be aware of them and how they impact the way you behave and relate to others, will improve your ‘people’ skills and help you ultimately be more successful; which is why emotional intelligence has redefined what it means to be smart.


A man’s measure is his will
— ali ibn abi talib