We offer “Positive Coaching” services and seminars. Our ambitious purpose is to bring a breath of fresh air to organizations and individuals - a new way of living and doing business through the spread of positive energy in each and every field.

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First Time Manager

Our First Time Manager Coaching Program will assist newly promoted managers in transitioning from team member to a highly effective manager.


Career Coaching

Our Professional Career Coaches are skilled and trained in helping you create a personalized plan designed to meet your goals. We help you put into words not only what your goals are but how you can best achieve them.


Sales Coaching

Sales Coaching is the role managers play in developing people, improving performance and achieving goals. Sales Coaching is best thought of as a behavior rather than a task where the focus is on helping team members self-assess and self-discover ways to solve problems and grow.


Coaching for Redundancy

Our program on How to Deal with Redundancy offers you a one-on-one coaching on how to get back on track emotionally and practically and discover what lies ahead career-wise.


Group Coaching

Discover your full potential with the help of other people that share the same focus, interests and goals. Our Group Coaching program enables you to learn from experiences of others and applying the knowledge on successfully managing yourself, your team and your business.


Coaching for Happiness

Feeling down and demotivated? Our team is here to support your well being into fulfilling a happy life and career. Happiness on the outside of us - the product of what we do and achieve - is the central topic of action coaching.


Coaching for Leaders

Leaders aren't born, they're made. And this why every aspiring leader will require coaching on many levels and this is what our team of expertise will help shape.